Dry Needling is an individualized approach for myofascial pain syndromes. It relies on a thorough physical examination of the client by a competent practitioner, trained to recognize the physical signs of neuropathic pain. It was developed by Dr. Chan Gunn in the 1970’s and has a solid foundation in the radiculopathic model of pain, which is supported by many experts in the field.
Dry needling or IMS uses solid, fine, sterile acupuncture needles. It addresses muscles that have become contracted and shortened; causing pain, muscle tension, and decreased range of motion and function. The needle is inserted into tight, tender muscle bands. The muscle will ‘grasp’ the needle causing a twitch or ache.
The goal of treatment is to lengthen muscles, initiate the body’s natural healing process and help the nerve function normally again. This approach can help reduce tightness and pain; and improve range of motion and function.
To make an appointment call 306-382-2939 or book online.